"Safety Instructions" to appear on a Cleveland RTA near you, as part of the "Moving Minds" project. I hope no little old ladies (or big young men) take it literally--or if they do, I hope it helps them to poems.
Further thoughts on the cultural labor of poetry and art. Not merely "is it good?," but "what has it accomplished?"...reviews of recent poetry collections; selected poems and art dealing with war/peace/social change; reviews of poetry readings; links to political commentary (particularly on conflicts in the Middle East); youtubed performances of music, demos, and other audio-video nuggets dealing with peaceful change, dissent and resistance.
Very cool! I'll let you know when I see it!
Awesome. Just awesome.
Very nice. I hope the summer is going well for ya Doc.
Thanks, y'all. If anyone (Charlie?!) sees the poster, would you take a photograph of it "in situ" (i.e. with people and stuff in the frame)? That would be cool to have.
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