Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Check Out Poetry Daily Today: "For the Fifty..."

The poetry gods smile upon me--my poem, "For the Fifty (Who Made PEACE With Their Bodies)," is the feature for Poetry Daily today.

UPDATE: The poem is now archived and can be viewed here.

Just when I was perversely witnessing the abyssal drop of my book sales of To See the Earth from the rank of the humble hundred thousands to the millions (resting somewhere around 1,200,000th place).

I was actually wondering if I could make the record lowest rank. Just how many books are out there, unsold? "America, why are your libraries full of tears?"


Anonymous said...

Congratulatiosn Philip on the Poetry Daily appearance. More later on your book...


Philip Metres said...

Tyrone, thanks for checking in...

So It Shall Be Written said...

Congratulations Phil -- I'm glad "To See The Earth" is getting more play! Peace, Joseph

Philip Metres said...

Thanks JR! You should be getting some good news in the mail shortly. How's that for a fortune cookie?

Chaerephon said...

"I'm not a playboy or a poet
There's no cool water from the well
I wish you had a big house
And that your work would start to sell"

--The Go-Betweens, "Love Is a Sign"

Philip Metres said...

Thanks, Jim. But you are a playboy and a poet.!

Chaerephon said...

I am? Woo hoo! *pours cognac* *begins re-reading The Necessary Angel*

Anonymous said...

Dear Phil,

What a beautiful poem. I so wish I had seen it before and your book too because I just wrote a chapter for a book on Post 9/11 on poetry as dissent. Your poem moved me very much.
And a reminder. the television program 20/20 interviewed Joseph Brodsky years ago and asked him, "How many people do you need to feel you have a good audience?" and he answered, "three." Don't worry about the numbers.

Philip Metres said...


thanks so much for your comment; and I agree with Brodsky that the important thing is the quality of the reader, not the quantity.