Thursday, March 27, 2008

To See the Earth review in Jacket

Check out the first official review of To See the Earth, appearing in Jacket (35), Spring 2008.

A blurb from it:
Implicit in this “seeing” is the conscious act of witnessing that informs much of the book, be it witness to the hardships of poverty in Russia during the post-Soviet period, the Israeli occupation of Palestine, or the often-overlooked American protests against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. More than simply “political poetry,” however, Metres explores the extent to which language itself is bound up in the struggle to articulate an adequate response to the world around us. The problems of language are two-fold, he seems to suggest, arising not only from its inherent incommensurability but also from its reliance on and origins in the very authoritarian systems his poetry testifies against


So It Shall Be Written said...

Phil - A great review of a great collection of poems. I'm going to post one on my blog also-- not so powerful as their review but as heartfelt. I like to focus on one or two poems. I'll let you know when it's up. Anway, congratulations! Beautiful work. J. Ross

Philip Metres said...

Thanks Joseph, I'm glad that the collection has meant something to you. I'm so pleased that we found each other, by way of this web.

Christopher Kempf said...

Hahaha, love it.

Susan said...

Congratulations, Phil. I've been reading your book, which is very impressive. Keep up the good work!

aloha, sms

Philip Metres said...

Thanks for checking in, Susan, and for your continued witness in matters political and poetic. To my ethical lighthouse in the fiftieth state!
