Further thoughts on the cultural labor of poetry and art. Not merely "is it good?," but "what has it accomplished?"...reviews of recent poetry collections; selected poems and art dealing with war/peace/social change; reviews of poetry readings; links to political commentary (particularly on conflicts in the Middle East); youtubed performances of music, demos, and other audio-video nuggets dealing with peaceful change, dissent and resistance.
Great post. My friend passed me along the trailer to the movie about Joe Strummer. If you have ever seen the Ramones' "End of the Century" documentary, this Clash one looks a lot like it. It seems to focus on not only Joe Strummer and his life, but also the Clash itself. Enjoy!
P.S.- Me and a couple of my buddies started an intermural team, and we might need another person. If you are interested let me know! Thanks!
B League, so we the skill level will not be as high. And we play Wednesday nights. I will try to come by your office tomorrow and we can talk if you are interested. Thanks!
Hey Dr. Metres,
Great post. My friend passed me along the trailer to the movie about Joe Strummer. If you have ever seen the Ramones' "End of the Century" documentary, this Clash one looks a lot like it. It seems to focus on not only Joe Strummer and his life, but also the Clash itself. Enjoy!
P.S.- Me and a couple of my buddies started an intermural team, and we might need another person. If you are interested let me know! Thanks!
Raz, tell me the parameters of the team (when are the games, is it "A" league or "B" league or whatever). In principle, I'd love to play!
B League, so we the skill level will not be as high. And we play Wednesday nights. I will try to come by your office tomorrow and we can talk if you are interested. Thanks!
Watch Dr. Metres' fadeaway jumper, it's a killer (for real, I'm not playin')
Raz, I'm available on an "as needed" basis. So let me know the drill. You know how competitive I am!
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