Tuesday, November 13, 2007

David-Baptiste Chirot's "Light Remains"

David-Baptiste Chirot explains: "'Light Remains' is from a series of pieces called 'No Place to Move,' a series within a much larger one to do with Walls, which has been going on for the last 17 months now."

The title comes from a phrase he made for another series a few years ago: "'To absorb darkness until all that remains is light'--(the opposite of a Black Hole)--Light having the ancient associations which continue to this day--and 'Light Remains'--even when hope may seem gone--it remains--'One cannot hide from that which never sets,' as Heraclitus says. So though people may be Walled off, imprisoned, 'disappeared,' and turned into non-persons--yet they exist--and Light Remains--they are visible--and see through those fences and Walls--even when it says 'no place to move'--

"A lot of the pieces are inspired by the situation of the people inside Gaza--and then extended and continuing to extend to many more areas and situations all around one in the world in which Walls may be thought of as censorship, surveillance, "security"—not only physical Walls, mental and spiritual ones--and ones made by language, built with words and images--

"Light Remains" also as it is the constant in the relativity theory for example--all these Walls and words change through time--can be changed in time--so to see even through the fence and a chink in the Wall--is creating an opening--possibilities--"

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