Sunday, March 10, at 2:00 p.m., at Cleveland Public Theatre, 6415 Detroit Ave., in Cleveland's Gordon Square District.
CPT is co-producing the reading in their James Levin Theatre. Fred Sternfeld directs.
Synopsis: Two families in an unnamed Middle Eastern country both have keys to the same house. What happens when they try to live in it together? The fathers play historical chess; the mothers cook together, even though one uses mint and the other dill; the lovers dare to imagine a future; and war mad children play doctor and murder. But when one girl's dreams of flight are (literally) shot down, the betrayals and realignments which follow make us question our very definition of peace.
MONICA RAYMOND is a poet and playwright based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A 2013 winner of the Massachusetts Cultural Council's Fellowship in Dramatic Writing, she has also been a Jerome Fellow at the Playwrights' Center (Minneapolis) and a MacDowell Colony Fellow, and has received support from the Boston Athenaeum, the Atlantic Center for the Arts, and the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities. Her work has been produced or developed by the Huntington Theater (Boston), Actors Shakespeare Company (Boston), Portland Stage (Maine), Vital Theater (NYC), the Inkwell, Stage Left (Chicago), Golden Thread Theater (San Francisco), the Montreal and NYC Infringement Festivals and many others; and published by Dramatic Publishing and Smith and Kraus. A 2013 grant from the Cambridge Arts Council will support production of her new mini-opera, PAPER OR PLASTIC. She holds degrees from the University of Chicago, Columbia University and Smith College and has taught writing and interdisciplinary arts at Harvard, CUNY and the Boston Museum School.
THE OWL GIRL was winner of the Clauder Gold Medal, the Peacewriting Prize, and Castillo Theater's political play prize and has had eight readings around the country. The playwright will be on hand for the Interplay/Cleveland Public Theatre reading.
As always with Interplay readings, this one is FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC... and DONATIONS ARE WELCOME. Reservations are requested or by replying to this email. For our local audience, another announcement will follow with cast names, a web link and specific details about the venue.